Make Your Employees Stars
Make Your Employees Stars
January 15, 2024 2 min read
Many companies have spent a lot of time and effort to list and promote their company values. These values express what the company stands for and what it expects itself to be known for and what it expects its employees to exhibit as behaviors. These values are not just made up on the spot. They are usually codified after a serious soul searching session with the owners, C-level executives, managers, employees, and sometimes other company stakeholders. The company values are often words that describe what the company has defined its purpose or vision or mission to be. It also goes beyond those documents to clearly state the few values that the Company wants to foster. But once the Values for a company are defined, how are they promoted within the company culture?
eXplain. Clearly explain what your Company Values are to your staff. Don't just say the words, explain in detail what they mean and how this will impact them and the company culture.
eXample. The Company Values should be demonstrated by all management level people in the company. This shows that the company is serious about the Values and they managers and supervisors are willing to live by them.
eXcess. For the Values to sink in and be taken seriously by everyone in the company, you really need to go overboard. It seems like the only way people understand how serious the company is about their Values is to keep telling them so by word and deed. By reviewing the Values on a regular basis at all team meetings, bring up examples of employees who exemplified a Value and what exactly they did. Give positive, public feedback for the feedback so employees come to truly understand what they are and how to live them. Post the Values on the wall in prominent locations like the employee break room or work area. Have them listed on the company web site and perhaps even printed on the company letterhead. Give out Value Awards at company recognition events. By bringing up the Values over and over again, they will eventually become part of the living culture of the organization.
QuickStarz knows the value of company Values and to help reinforce their importance to the entire staff, we have developed a unique line of Values Awards. Each award shows the Value in a color that represents the value along with an Icon that also represents the value. All you need to do is add the recipients name, the date of presentation, and the name of the company. We've done all the design work for you, so you can focus on more pertinent things. As always, the personalization is included in the cost of the award. And if you need an award for a Value we have not yet listed, please let us know and we will design one for you.
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